Crypto airdrop script

crypto airdrop script

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Automated coin transfers, token swaps, token transfers and logical transaction routes. Ultimate solution for simulating blockchain events on EVM chains.". The SCRIPT Network Airdrop is becoming a popular method for cryptocurrency projects to distribute tokens to a wide audience. An airdrop involves. Ultimate solution for simulating blockchain events on EVM chains." blockchain sybil blockchain-technology airdrop blockchain-service zk-snarks airdrops zk-.
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Also earn more points for each referral. Airdrop is expired Links are broken Other issue. Token ERC20, with vesting options, and function for managing Airdrops with optimized gas management, in addition to a set of updates, and continuous review of any security issue. Create Your Token Airdrop and Collect Some Money, Increase your token holders by distributing small amount from your token to 's of holders, also you can collect fees. You switched accounts on another tab or window.