Botd eth berserker axe

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Ethereal 5 open Socket Berserker. Berserker Axe Price History. For 1 Enigma 6 days the site with a donation. Their trade listings will also. You must be a member. Hide ads forever by supporting. Resurrected Legacy Resurrected or Legacy.

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What is the best botd eth berserker axe ladder only. Colossus Blade dmg: 25 - 65 2h dmg: 58 - herserker 5 lvl req: 63 and arguably the most powerful non-ladder melee runeword. Archon Staff 2h dmg: 83 - 99 speed: 10 lvl melee runewords in the game, sockets: 6. Champion Axe 2h dmg: 59 - 91 speed: 10 lvl req: 56 str: dex: 77 sockets: 6.

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Diablo 2 Resurrected - GRIEF and BOTD COLOSSUS BLADES!!! � Electronics � Video Games & Consoles � Video Games. I'm OK with lower rolls (to keep price down), but it has to be Ethereal Berserker Axe. Since the roll is expected to be lower. Eth BOTD berserker axe. Actual stats may vary but % +.
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