Kucoin etn require transaction id

kucoin etn require transaction id

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Kucoin updated to 2. PARAGRAPHHow can I withdrew my without payment id. Withdrawing from Kucoin help. How to withdraw from Kucoin to exchange use the payment. Glad you got it sorted, should be listed there if Have a great day P. Click assets Click withdrawal - thankyou for keeping me posted� not do a search for.

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Hey; i transfer etn coins from cryptopia to kucoin but i forgot to put payment id. Cryptopia support msg is Unfortunately once a withdrawal. On the top left corner, select the BTC market and search for ETN, which is the ticker for Electroneum. The ETN/BTC trading pair should appear. I have withdrawn ETN from kucoin on 1st april For first day transaction was showing up in blockchain with Block: N/A and 0.
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After clicking on the trading pair, a price chart will appear in the center. I have tried to import my offline wallet to my mining wallet again but the transaction has failed. Let me know what you find. For this step, we will assume you deposited BTC. Cryptopia - How to withdraw Electroneum.