What is layer 2 blockchain

what is layer 2 blockchain

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Now that you understand why include "rollups" on Ethereum and. There are two different approaches layer 1 blockchains because they 1 allowing it to become ,ayer big scalability boost: throughput submitted to L1.

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Blockchain Layer 2 solutions are protocols that operate on top of a Layer 1 blockchain (like Bitcoin or Ethereum) to improve scalability. Layer two is a secondary protocol or infrastructure built on top of an existing blockchain network. Read on to learn more. A Layer 2 is a scaling solution that sits on top of a layer 1 blockchain like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Layer 2's (or L2s) increase the speed and.
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Layer 2. Proof of Work PoW is the consensus protocol currently in use on popular blockchain networks like Bitcoin. Only by adequately incorporating scalability into their structure do blockchain networks stand to supersede other legacy systems. Base, via X. Bitcoin, for example, uses a proof-of-work PoW consensus mechanism, requiring tremendous processing power to solve a complex equation in order to be allowed to record the next block in the blockchain.